Saturday 26 September 2015

Mini gath jojo fans @AFA ID

Several ppl already know this,but i'll announce it again

My friend held mini gath for jojo fans in indonesian! love jojo? you must join then :)
and bcs one of Guest Star for AFA ID meet and greet event are seiyuu JJBA's character (Vanilla ice) will comes tomorrow. we'll give him a banner with our sign in it.!
Banner for sign, you can sign it at CH 63, just find someone who wearing ishi kamen :D

Unfortunately i can't go to AFA ID, but im already sign it (lucky,these banner printed in my city i can sign it before my friend went to jakarta)

And also i'll give limited free paper for announce Joseph Joestar's birthday! and you can photo with standpop of joseph! 
Spoiler of Joseph's stand pop and Free paper.

Rero Candy cherrymint flavoured loool

so, don't miss it! for contact info.please come to CH63 [Circle: EMERGEN(RY]. they'll guide you :)

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